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0x0F020 (2-byte) SFR is used for controlling the wait time of the timer.

(Any idea what kind of timer is that (watchdog timer, 1khz timer, etc.), and what's the name of 0F020h SFR?)
Edit: I apparently realized that 0129Ah ~= 10^5 / 21d. Any idea?

<52 characters> sin 2 0 $ TT A F 0 $ sin^-1( ln( 0 $ 0 cv35 tan^-1( D 0 $ mp mp alpha D 0 $ $$$$ (-) cs32 0 $ frac Ans ^( cs32 0 $ <8 characters>
(repeat TT with some 2 bytes. The smaller the value (in little-endian) is, the faster the value count)

tan^-1( : tan⁻¹(
frac :

This repeatedly give input = TT to hardware function 0:4640, and then increase the value on the LCD screen by 0101 (mp mp).
If 0:4640 re = 0:474C im, then the above details is correct. (need verification later)
Replace TT with 2 bytes equal to the timing wait period.
129A is equal to a cursor half-cycle, about 0.5 seconds.